Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The fifth element

He was hurrying up the steps, taking two at a time. Occasionally he used to look behind to keep a tab on the unknown danger. As it is said, if you know a secret that can rock the world , then you are a trigger away from death. And the best time to pull the trigger is in darkness.
But this night was different. Pat Baxter always had a knack of predicting danger. He had worked day in and day out for the League, but now it was his responsibility to get the word out to the Revealer. Even in this tense situation, he could afford a smile for the contrasting ideas related with the term Revealer. The Revealer himself was never revealed.
He had to hurry otherwise he wouldn't be able to appreciate the coming daylight.
He came to a sidewalk. Instead of stopping his footsteps, as he would usually do every night to step in his restroom, he kept on walking towards the right. There at the extreme corner, he came to a halt in front of an iron door. The word 'COMPUTER CENTER' was brandished on its nameplate. Noiseless he slipped into the room.
The supercomputer on which Chang Lui worked day in and day out was sprawled across almost the entire north corner of the building. He quickly slipped into one of the cubicles to his immediate left. Now he felt homely. For this was his cubicle. And the computer in it had secrets that would change the entire course of the world and also the way the League operated. And in this homely sensation he made a grave mistake, which ultimately had to be repented with his life. He forgot to latch the door.
He saw the screensaver dancing on his PC. "trust ur enemies" He let out a grin on his face. for he knew that in this situation even trusting your friends could cost you your life. A few clicks here and there on the keyboard and he was viewing the document which would be the reason for which every human being on the earth would have his view points altered. He was about to press the CTRL+S when he heard the creaking of the door which stood out in the eerie silence of the night.
He turned around and the view which engulfed him was the most majestic view he had ever seen. A shining white rod , the illuminescence blinded him for a moment. With his eyes closed, his mind raced away to the STARWARS movie, where he had seen such an illuminescence in the hands of a jedi warrior.
"Who in the fucking hell are you?" Pat screemed.
"If that was your last wish, then must say, wrong choice of words, my dear" The assassin whispered.
And the luminescent sword was drawn into Pat's chest. Pat felt a chilling sensation, the sensation which remineded him about the cold grip of death. However he was not left to think much as his heart had stopped its rhytmic motion.
The assassin leaned over the victim's body, closed his eyes and muttered to himself. "God, hoe you will forgive me for my sins. For even you know that this is for the greater good."

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